How much phone storage do you need?

How much phone storage do you need?

 How much phone storage do you need?

  Whether buying a high capacity phone is worth it? Does it make sense? And yes, high capacity is actually very high these days. You get mobile phones almost with 512 GB of on board storage. That's almost the amount of storage in laptops. And if that's not enough, you also have 1 TB ROM phones. But it's there any practical use of such spacious phones or is everyone blindly paying thousands of rupees extra for some storage? Let's see...

  To understand how much phone storage do we need, we will need to know what actually eats up your phone's storage...

  Any phone you buy obviously has an operating system that eats up some storage. From 5 to 15 GB can be acquired by it. So let's consider that the OS on your phone takes 15 GB.

  Another massive space hog on your phone can be games. Depending on the type of gamer you are, you should still spare another 15 GB for games. And seeing, high end and better graphics games these days can cost you upto 2 to 5 GB per game. 

  The next glutton of space are photos and videos on your device. An average video takes 40 MB of storage per minute and an average photo takes 5 to 6 MB. Looking at that, you will atleast need another 25 GB for photos and videos.

  Then comes audio. Nobody today prefers keeping .mp3 files on mobiles when people get streaming services like Spotify, Gaana, etc. But maybe, you want to store some hand full of audio files, maybe songs or podcasts which you want to listen when you go offline. This should take not more than 2 GB. 

  So our grand total which is based on a average user and with comfortably flexible limits sums to 57 GB. That is 64 GB what you all need. But how much storage you will need beyond this heavily depends upon your usage. Still, taking into consideration other apps, documents and other stuff will exceed 64 GB. 

  So, with all that said, what is the answer to the original question? Conclusively, a smartphone user should be comfortable with either 64 or 128 GB of storage depending on their specific needs. Not more than that. 

  Besides, you also have cloud storage.
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