Why we don't like being told what to do?

Why we don't like being told what to do?

  It's natural human nature to ask for liberty, for freedom. But, we aren't always given that. We want to be the master of our sea. But, we are always told to do this to do that, which obviously isn't liked much by us. But why?

  Let me give you a very practical example that I experience always and I am sure all students must have experienced it. We all get agitated and somewhat aggressive when our parents ask us to do study when we already had plans to do so, and then we pick a fight.

  As a teen, I am always asked to do my own chores like making the bed, washing my own dishes, ironing my own clothes, etc. Obviously I don't like it. But when one fine day I understand that it's for my own good and as I head towards the kitchen to wash the dishes, my dad or mom calls me out "Soham, just make sure you are washing your dishes atleast!" And then my plans to wash dishes die instantly.

Fun Fact: The nature of hating being told something to do has a scientific term called as psychological reactance.

  Why does this happen? Let's know... Taking the earlier dishes situation in mind, when I earlier went to wash dishes, I would have done and felt good if my parents hadn't yelled at me to do so. Because when I was doing it on my own, I was doing it for my good, as an extra curricular activity and for fun. But the moment when my parents told me to do so, it became a duty. And so I refuse.

  This is the story of every human on Earth, just different people get annoyed at different levels. Some of them have better tolerance and good psychological understanding than others while some get offended when you tell them to just switch on a fan. And such people who question their freedom while switching on a fan after telling, might sometimes show unsafe behaviour.

  But that is not their problem in specific. It's the human nature that has been evolved so efficiently to let people make choices based on ego and strong emotions. So it's understood that why this happens and that it is natural in everybody. But then if I don't tell you the solution to this, half knowledge is always dangerous...

Fun Fact: The more you do research on this topic, you become more hyper-aware of even the smallest threats to your freedom. So don't go deep into this.

  Simply putting, of we had plans already to do a thing, why should we cancel it just because someone told us to do the same? We need to get control on our inner rebel. And we should retain our brain and manage our emotions with patience and without ego. 

  Of course, we are aware of the quote that"No work is small our big, it's you who makes the difference". Keeping this in mind, many works can be done without just by controlling the mind and keeping ego aside.

  And if you aren't able to do that, atleast you have got science to blame for not doing what is told... Instead thank them for reminding you of your goals or duty. 
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  1. Great description. But no solution!

    1. Humans evolved in a way that we always seek for freedom and get offended if we don't get it. And as said what can we do is control the mind patiently and do the work without keeping ego come in the way of our freedom... It's all about understanding and patience...

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