Why doesn't honey spoil?

Why doesn't honey spoil?

 Why doesn't honey spoil?

  You don’t get a food source with no expiration date without a whole slew of factors working in perfect harmony. But why doesn't it spoil?

  Honey doesn't spoil mainly because of osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water from a region of higher water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane to a region of lower water concentration.

  Now, the water content in honey is far less than the water content in organisms like bacteria and fungi. Hence, when such organisms try to enter honey, the water from their bodies moves out into the honey due to osmosis. As a result, they die and thus, the honey doesn't spoil.

  Moreover, some bees produce antibiotics within their bodies to protect themselves against certain bacteria. However, when bees make honey, some of these antibiotics get added to the honey. These antibiotics also prevent the growth of bacteria, thus preventing the honey from spoiling.
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  1. Good topic. You can also state the medicinal properties of honey(if any) in another blog

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