Why do we dream?

Why do we dream?

  Have you slept and ever wondered about the dreams that you see? Do you know the reason behind it? If no, then you have landed on the correct post. Let's see...

Is there an answer to 'why do we dream'?

 There is no concrete answer to the question 'why do we dream?' Even after many studies, there are only theories that exist regarding the answer.

According to theories, why do we dream?

  A theory by Sigmund Freud suggests that dreams are a representations of our unconscious desires and thoughts. It means that we dream to fulfill our wishes.

  Another theory called as Activation Synthesis suggests that dreams don't mean anything. During REM stage of sleep, certain circuits in the brain get activated. The brain synthesizes them and tries to make sense out of those signals resulting into dreams.

  Dreams should be seen as a defense mechanism. This idea is supported by the Threat Stimulation theory. For example, nightmares put us in life threatening situations which helps us to practice our response to that situation and increasing the chances of survival.


  The answer to this question is not supported with concrete answers. However theories like Activation Synthesis, Threat Stimulation, etc., suggest that dreams do not mean anything and that they are random pictures in motion in our mind while the brain synthesizes the information of the day; and that dreams should be seen as a defense mechanism to enhance our fight or flight response.. Dreams are also ought to fulfill our unconscious wishes and desires.

 Scientists are still researching the real answer to this question. I bet, they are the laziest scientists who might be sleeping all the time!!!

  But do you know why do we sleep? If no, click here.
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  1. Really amazing, can you write on 'why do we sneeze?'

    1. Sure. Thank you for your suggestion.

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