Why do we love chocolates?

Why do we love chocolates?

  A person without chocolate is like a library without books!!! People of any age group enjoy eating chocolates. But the addiction towards chocolate is far more than just its awful taste... Let's see...

Why do we love chocolates?

  One of the most loved foods is the chocolate. It just melts in our mouth giving us intense pleasure. Due to it's extremely good taste, anyone loves to eat it (probably). 

  One of the reasons why we love chocolate is because it contains a substance called Anandamide. Ananda itself means pleasure in sanskrit. Due to this substance our special brain receptors get awakened and we get a blissful feeling, making us love chocolates. 

  Another substance that chocolate contains is the Theobromine. This substance also gives our brain a happy feeling.

  Most types of chocolates also contain adequate amount of sugar. This triggers our taste buds and making us love its taste. Sugars also triggers our brain to release a substance called Dopamine (an abbreviation for the neurotransmitter called dihydroxyphenethylamine). Due to this substance, we feel more happy and get addicted to chocolate quickly to get the same feeling.

  Chocolates are also liked as it comes in various varieties (milk, white, dark, etc.) and with various dryfruits which are generally loved by people.


  We love chocolate do to various ingredients in it which gives it a good taste.

  Thus we easily get attracted towards chocolates and the desire to eat it increases. So now, next time you want to eat chocolate, you will know the reason...
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