How many things does a mobile phone replace?

How many things does a mobile phone replace?

How many things does a mobile phone replace?

  Mobile phones are the most intelligent inventions of today's era. It replaces many things and many gadgets and gives us a very handy and portable alternative for it. So today, let us see how many things does a mobile phone replace?
  • Cameras: Mobile phones earlier had very low quality cameras. But with advancing technology, now you can take professional quality pictures by your phone itself. So, your bulky DSLRs have been replaced with your compact mobile phones.
  • MP3 player: Today's phones have a lot of amazing audio quality features. It can provide better audio quality than the mp3 players.
  • CD-DVD: With lot of storage space and amazing audio quality, there is no need to carry CDs and DVDs.
  • Books: With so many online e-books and kindle versions of books, books have been ruled out. May it be textbooks, cookbooks, reference books, storybooks, or educational books, mobile phones have all of them.
  • Calculators: Mobile phones can carry out the most difficult calculations, that is, calculatiors have been replaced.
  • Voice recorders: Mics are present in all phones and so we can easily record our voices. So mobiles have even replaced the voice recorders.
  • Documents: Your banking bills, your CVs, your electricity bill, and all other types of documents can be scanned and stored in your mobiles. So just forget about carrying documents.
  • Cash and credit cards: With all modern payment methods, there is no need to carry cash and even credit cards everywhere.
  • Dies: Your phone can also roll a die, in case if you have lost one.
  • Board games: Many applications and games provide a replacement for board games. You can play ludo, snake and ladders and all other games without carrying all of your material.
  • Gaming consoles: With mobile phones you can play games on it and can reduce your expenditure on gaming consoles. Latest mobile phone models allow you to play many amazing games on your mobile phones.
  • Alarm clocks: Alarm clocks are ruled out now a days due to the feature of alarm clock that is already there in your phones.
  • Televisions: With many television like applications, televisions have also been replaced by the mobile phones.
  • Watches and clocks: Your mobile phone does the function of shoeing you time. Then why do you need a clock or a wrist watch?
  • Photo albums: Photo albums and mobiles, both can store photos. But mobiles are more portable.
  • Paper maps: When you have advanced navigation systems straightaway in your phone, why would you carry maps?
  • Compasses: Mobile phones have replaced compasses too as the phone can tel you the right direction.
  • Torches: Why torches when you have a flashlight with you in your phone.
  • Address books and contacts: Because you can store your addresses and contacts on your phone, you don't need a book for them.
  • Calendars: One thing your phone efficiently replaces are the calendars. You can check the date and even your can mark reminders.
  • Notepads: You can just type your notes, memos and to-do lists in your phones via various applications.
  • Newspapers: Newspapers are history when you have an e-news app.
  • Webcams: You can just use your selfie camera.
  • Leveler: You have an app for that.
  • Measuring tape: You can measure distances using your phone's rear camera.
  • Bar-code scanners: You can do that using your phone and some apps.
  • Flash drives and pen-drives: You have cloud storage and even plenty of internal storage.
  • Portable hotspot: It is replaced by a mobile hotspot.
  • Dictionary: Instead of flipping thousands of pages, you can just search the word you need.
  I have tried my best to include everything. Let me know in the comments section if I have missed any of them.
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Soham Wani

Hello, this is Soham Wani (aka Pseudonymous123), writer by passion, engineer by accident, and a poetry enthusiast at heart. Feel free to hit me up for a friendly chat or some professional banter.

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