How India got its name?

How India got its name?

How India got its name?

  India is one of the most important country in the history of mankind. It has population of around 1.3 billion people and this is more than the population of South American continent, North American continent and even the entire European continent. But how India got its name?

  Because India has a very rich and extended history, there are a number of names given to this country by the people of the country. But the names from outsiders include Hind, Hindustan, Al-hind, Hindush, Yindu, India, etc. And all of them have some prefixes and suffixes in common. Almost all the names have In- or Hin- as prefix and -dia or -du as the suffix. Putting these aspects together, we get Hindu or India. So this means that almost all the names given to India might have common origins.

  For example take the word Hindustan which is the name given to India by the Mughals. Here '-stan' means 'the land of'. That is why many countrys have their name ending with -stan like Pakistan, Kazakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Taijikistan, Turkmenistan, etc. Thus Hindustan means the land of Hindus. 

  India is also derived with the same logic. It has a common suffix -ia. -ia in this context also means 'the land of'. Thus many countrys also end with -ia like Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Mongolia, Armenia, Romania, Russia, Namibia, Colombia, Malaysia etc. Thus India means the 'land of the Ind (That is Hindus)'. 

  So India means the 'land of Hindus'. But who are Hindus? There is no religion called as Hindu, nor there was an empire named Hindu. There is one theory for this. The river Sindhu, to the north of India was a crossing point for outsiders to India. People evolved this to Hindu, then Indós, then Indus. The present day name of the river is the Indus. And this turned to India. But what is Sindhu then? Sindhu is a sanskrit word given for any water body. That doesn't make any sense, but India got its name from the river Sindhu. 
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Soham Wani

Hello, this is Soham Wani (aka Pseudonymous123), writer by passion, engineer by accident, and a poetry enthusiast at heart. Feel free to hit me up for a friendly chat or some professional banter.


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  1. U are the worst person and u have the worst website pls put something which is trending don't be old fashioned. You are the worst no one will support you.posting website link on whatsapp group does not mean you will be great or famous you were worst u are worst u will be worst

    1. Sorry to say, but at the first place, it's a blog not a website. Secondly, I am not famous and nor I want to be. I just want that people should read my blog and learn something new. And intelligent people who are curious and want to always keep learning something new will surely support me. And in fact many of them have even done so. Now it is not my problem that you aren't one of them. Thirdly, WhatsApp is a way to reach people. So I post my new posts over there so that people can benefit themselves.

      Still, I am sorry that I am not able to satisfy my audience. Inconvenience is regretted.

    2. AnonymousJuly 06, 2020

      i dont know why are you calling him worst again and again, but he is a good blogger

    3. Thank you everyone for supporting me.😊

    4. Hey, please don't call him worst he tries his best.This topic is related to history and most importantly I think everyone who is a citizen of India must know how our country got its name. Secondly, whatsapp can be used for promoting so there is nothing bad , even I used whatsapp for promoting my YT channel and my blog. Instead of writing a rude comment you should give suggestions so he can improve the blog. Please, next time support him instead of going against his blog.


  2. If you think this topic is old fashioned then you aren't a true indian.

    1. Very true. There are good people left on this world...

  3. This was the awesome blog I ever found in world ..

    1. Oh! Really. Thanks for the compliment...

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