Why do we cry?

Why do we cry?

What are types of human tears?

  Human tears are basically of three types:

1. Reflex: These tears are produced as a result of a reflex from any irritants like wind, dust, onion, etc. (To know more about 'how do onions make us cry?' Click here)

2. Basal: These tears moisturize our eyes when we blink. (To know more about 'why we blink our eyes?' Click here)

3. Emotional: These tears are produced to express any kind of emotion like extreme joy or extreme sorrow.

Why do we cry reflex and basal tears?

  So it's natural to cry reflex and basal tears as they are involuntary actions (actions not done by our wish). 

Why do we cry emotional tears?

  Sometimes, we experience strong emotions like extreme sorrow or extreme joy. This activates our brain's limbic system which is responsible to control emotions. This system informs our lacrimal glands below the eyebrows to produce tears. This is the reason we cry. But emotional tears are more than a physical response.

  Study shows that emotional tears contain natural painkillers like Endorphins and some stress hormones like Enkephalin and Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Thus getting rid of these hormones makes us feel better and emotionally more stable.

  Besides these scientific reasons, research shows that crying serves a social purpose. It might be helpful in gaining sympathy.


  Humans cry for many reasons. Either voluntarily or involuntarily. Involuntary crying is because of irritants in our eye or to moisturize and clean the eye. Voluntary crying is done because of experiencing strong emotions. This may help to become emotionally more stable. Voluntary crying can also be helpful in gaining sympathy.
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