Why do astronauts wear orange or white spacesuits
Orange and white aren't their favorite colors. Then why do astronauts wear orange or white spacesuits only? Let's see...
Why do astronauts wear orange space suits?
Astronauts wear the orange space suit only during landing or launching of their space vehicle. This particular suit is called as Advanced Crew Escape Suit. But why orange only??? If there is any problem during launching or landing and the astronaut has to abandon the space vehicle, orange is most visible colour against any landscape. Thus rescuers can easily rescue the astronaut.
Why do astronauts wear white space suits?
The white spacesuit is called as Extravehicular Activities Suit. Astronauts wear it when they have to work in the dark space outside the space vehicle. But why white only??? White is the most noticeable colour against the black background of the space. Secondly, when astronauts go outside the space vehicle, they are exposed to extreme heat of sun, stars, etc. White colours absorbs least heat. Therefore they wear white space suits.
I hope that you now know the reason behind astronauts wearing such suits... To know about why is the space so dark, click here.
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