How to cut onions without crying?

How to cut onions without crying?

How to cut onions without crying?

  Watching a funny movie while cutting onion is not that good idea to cut them without crying. Then how to cut onions without crying???

  Before you read further, you must know how do onions make us cry? To know, click here

How to cut onions without crying?

  The chemicals coming out due to rupturing of onion cells while cutting onions is the reason we cry while cutting it. However, if we freeze onions before cutting them, it may cause the chemicals to react slowly. This it will reduce the amount of tears.

  Wearing tight goggles is also an alternative. It will not let the gas to enter our eye. Thus we won't cry. 

  The root part of onion has most amount of chemicals. Therefore eliminating that part before cutting onion can reduce crying.

  Cutting onions in running water washes away the chemicals and reduces crying.

  To know more about crying, click here.
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