Are earphones harmful or useful?

Are earphones harmful or useful?

Are earphones harmful or useful?

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  Earphones are now a part of our life. We use it, the way we like it. But did you know that it is harmful or useful for us??? Let's see...

How are earphones useful?

  Earphones are easy to use. Due to them, we can easily make phone calls, listen to music, change or play music, etc. that too without touching the smartphone. They are portable and thus easy to carry wherever we want it. Being highly comfortable, earphones cancel the outer noise or at least reduce it. 

How are earphones harmful?

  On the other hand, it can cause pain in ears due to exposure to loud sounds. It can also cause hearing loss. Being close to ears, it can also cause decrease in sensitivity of the ears. The electromagnetic radiation caused by the earphones can affect our brain and lead to serious health issues. Due to overuse, the ears get temporary numbness. Sharing earphones with each other also increases the chances of ear infections as bacteria easily travel from one ear to another.


  By the above points, we can infer that, earphones are useful if used with care. Do not share your earphones with anyone. Use earphones for a limited time. Do not increase the volume above 60%. Thus we can safely use earphones. 

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