Is technology good or bad?

Is technology good or bad?

  The question of whether technology is good or bad is perhaps debateable in this world, where it can be used for communication, crimes, social networking, making films, art, and so on. Still no one can longer be judgmental on these questions, it is necessary at times to look back and explore the pros and cons of technology. There are a plenty of reasons to say that technology is good but many instances also prove it bad.

How is technology good?

  Modern technology has helped a lot in medical science due to which the life expectancy has increased. But it can also lead to overpopulation.

  Due to modern technology, smart gadgets like microwave, refrigerator and smart phones have developed which have proved helpful to the mankind. But...but, they also emit harmful gases causing global warming and their disposal is the another major issue that persists.

  Technology has enhanced communication. Long distance communication through phone calls, video calls, messaging, or social networking is possible. But the only problem we can't get rid out of is that people spend a lot of time on it.

  Photography has also been increased through modern technology. Otherwise you had to carry paints, brushes and canvases everywhere for a memorable click. But that is still that photography is cheap because one painting usually costs more than a thousand times of a photograph.

What can advanced technology turn into?

  But if technology becomes out of control, many new developments like handy robots or AI could exist. They can turn into foes or friends. It is surely in the hands of we humans (Now don't tell that a robot is reading my blog!!!). A recently new concept is regarding drone strikes. It can kill millions by just one click. Now it can be used wisely or badly too. It depends on we human beings. You can see how danger a drone strike is and how it operated. If it goes in the wrong hands....😑 When technology is used badly, it can create robot armies that can one day develop on their own and destroy humans (Probably they would harvest humans as shown in the movie Matrix). But that sci-fi doomsday is yet not up to the mark and till then, technology is good.

How is technology bad?

  Technology is also used in bad things to create virus, and hack people's accounts and earn illegal money out of it. Even a bomb made out of advanced technology can blow up the world. So technology is bad.

  Modern technology harms people through radiation. It damages our eyes, hearing power, and can also cause dangerous disease out of it. It surely causes diseases, but it is also helpful to find cures for major diseases like cancer and all.

  Another major thing is that technology drives away children's attention towards gaming and all which keeps them away from study and physical chores. Yeah, many a times it helps in study too, but its purpose changes from kid to kid. We can apparently say that technology is a major obstacle in children's education.


  From the above points we infer that, technology is knowledge and is not by itself a bad thing, it is in fact our wisdom of using such knowledge that leads to catastrophes. Sure without the knowledge that probably couldn't happen, but without continual progress we would not be able to support society as it grows. The power generated by nuclear weapons has also stopped world wars due to the fear of 'mutual annihilation' and currently provides a great percentage of the power requirements of the modern world which otherwise would be burning fossil fuels and trees to the point of exhausting those resources.

  Anyways, the bottomline is that technology can be bad and good both, and it depends how we use it; for development of mankind or for selfish purposes. Using technology is absolutely correct and good, but we should use it in limit and that limit should never be crossed (Except for exceptional cases).
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