How can you control your own world of dreams?

How can you control your own world of dreams?

   Believe me! This is something weird! Just imagine how can you be conscious and unconscious at the same time? Well, for folks who didn't get this question, I am basically going to talk about how can you control your dreams.

  Usually, when we dream, we are not aware that we are dreaming, and the most unlikely events, characters, and environments seem real to us. But that's not the case always. Many of us realize that we are in a dream as we are dreaming. This is called as lucid dreaming. And it has grabbed attention of not only people but also of the public in the same enthusiasm.

  A lucid dream is a type of dream where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment. Essentially, you are controlling your dreams. Right?

  Lucid dreaming is not a rare thing. 55% of the people experience it atleast once in their life. And it's more common for 42% of those. They might experience it monthly, weekly or maybe daily!

  But let's skip all of this and get straight to the point. Because folks, today we are upto how can we lucid dream, what are its benefits and harms!

  Lucid dreaming is potentially beneficial. It is best known to reduce those taxing and recurring nightmares. It gives you powers to manipulate a nightmare in a pleasant scenario.

  One thing everybody knows is that lucid dreaming will surely be a boost to our creativity as we can do whatever we wish. But a lesser known benefit of lucid dreaming is that it can actually improve your motor skills. Yes! You can practice football in your dreams and you can become good at it in real life. While this is not fully proven yet, it happens!

  But a thing having so much benefits also comes with fair amout of risks. First off many people develop sleep disorders due to frequent lucid dreaming. This also intensifies depression and anxiety.

  When you get lucid dreams frequently, it's more likely that you will mix it up in real life. You won't understand what is real and what is a dream. The overlap of reality and dreaming can also cause disconnection from your surroundings or self.

  But hey, that's for frequent lucid dreamers. It's totally safe to give it a try. Why not? And believe me, it will be worth it.

  So, how to lucid dream? The first thing on the list is to maintain a proper sleep routine. Since lucid dreaming usually happens during REM sleep, spending more time in this stage will increase your chances of lucid dreaming. When you have healthy sleep habits, your body can properly cycle through all four stages of sleep, thus increasing your chance of lucid dreaming.


  For some basic tips, to follow a healthy sleep schedule, exercise daily, avoid electronics before bed, create a relaxing sleep environment and avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. Even if you don’t lucid dream, these habits will help you get quality sleep!

  Writing down your dreams forces you to recall them. This is thought to help your brain become more aware of dreaming. So maintain a dream journal to aid lucid dreaming. While dreaming, check whether it's really a dream. Like touch your own body. If it is normal, it is reality. But if you can't feel your body, this is a dream! 

  Besides this there are some expert techniques you should try. Tell yourself that you will lucid dream tonight. You can do it before bedtime. This will help increase the chances of lucid dreaming. Another technique suggests to wake up five hours after bedtime. This way when you go back to sleep, you’ll be more likely to enter REM sleep while you’re still conscious. 

  Well, that's it for this article folks! If you’d like to explore lucid dreaming, try the tips in this article. Lucid dreams may potentially reduce nightmares, relieve anxiety, and improve motor skills and creativity. But remember, this article doesn't provide any professional medical advice or suggestion. Talk to a therapist before trying if you are already suffering with any sleep disorders.
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