Men vs Women - Who is superior? IWD special.

Men vs Women - Who is superior? IWD special.

  Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem. Both men and women, nine times out of ten, are firmly convinced of the superior excellence of their own sex. There is abundant evidence on both sides. If you are a man, you can point out that most poets and men of science are male; if you are a woman, you can retort that so are most criminals. The question is inherently insoluble, but self- esteem conceals this from most people. Source

  It's women day nearby, and so here is a topic that will be liked by both the genders. Today I will not be dealing more with the superiority of the gender, but more with the injustice with each of them...

  Let me first discuss with you that which gender is more superior. Ofcourse, each one will think that their gender is the best. But let's see what science says...

  There are a lot of physical variations on the bodies of men and women which we all are aware and about which I am particularly less concerned today. Because that doesn't decide the superiority of any gender. What could decide that is a good battle between abilities and brain power.

  There is evidence that women have more grey matter in their brains. Grey matter contains cell bodies that help our bodies process information in the brain and is located with regions of the brain that are involved with muscle control and sensory perception. It does means that women have more sensory perception than men and better muscle control than men. Although men have 10% bigger brain than women, here size doesn't matter.

  Great sensory perception means women and girls have better eyesight, better taste, better hearing abilities, and better smelling abilities than men.

  But, here's the interesting part: it has been found that men use more of the grey matter than women. In simpler words, women have the abilities but do not use it to the fullest. And thus it explains, why men tend to excel at task-focused projects, while women are more likely to excel at language and multitasking.

  In studies examining connections within the brain, it has been found that women tend to have stronger connections side to side, which could lead to better intuitive thinking, analyzing, and drawing of conclusions. Men, on the other hand, tend to have stronger connections from front to back, which can result in heightened perception and stronger motor skills. Recent studies have also suggested that the cerebellum, historically thought only to be involved in the coordination of movement, may be slightly different between the sexes and actually have an effect on behavior and thinking as well.

  In addition to brain-processing patterns, men and women have different brain chemistry. While both process the same neurochemicals, they process them differently. For example, serotonin (which is connected to happiness and depression) does not process the same in women. This could help explain why women are more susceptible to anxiety and depression.

  Because men and women both Excel in different different fields, it's hard to determine who's superior.

  Here, again, the rational man will admit that the question is one to which there is no demonstrably right answer. It is more difficult to deal with the self- esteem of man as man, because we cannot argue out the matter with some non- human mind. The only way I know of dealing with this general human conceit is to remind ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe, and that for ought we know, other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jelly-fish.

  Let's get into a bit of history (which is the main motive of writing this post).

  Long story short: Earlier there was a male dominant society and women had a lot of restrictions. Soon feminist ideologies strived for gender equality. But then, women took that gender equality thing so seriously that although men outnumber women largely, that females have started dominating males. 

  Why do women get free education and not men? Poverty? Nope. Poor men are poor only, they aren't more poorer that women? Or is the reason behind this to increase girls attraction towards education? No. The simple answer is something I would like to highlight: discrimination, the other way. 

  Not only in education, women have reserved seats in election. Why? Men don't want to be a part of it? Or is it so that without reservations, women can't participate and win the election? Discrimination.

  I am not being irrational here, but rational females will admit this. Women's health is the most concerned topic. Why? Men also have health issues. Still better women health is asked. Nobody wants better health for boys and men. Girls safety is questioned always, with priority, but what about boys? Infact, the number of boys sexually abused are equal to that of number of girls.

  Another example I will like to give you on the occasion of Women's Day - Everybody knows that 8th March is International Women's Day. Does anybody reading this knows when International Men's Day is? Nope. Most of you don't know. That's the result of female domination.

  Feminism was not about bringing men down and letting the women dominate. It was to bring women to a comparable level to that of men - Gender Equality.

  Feminism takes over female minds with dominating over men. Let me help you remember, feminism is not about domination, but about equality.

  Thus, it is unfair to deny anyone opportunities just because they belong to a particular sex. There are and always will be exceptions, but that doesn’t make them less or more masculine or feminine than another person, it simply makes them human. Hence, it is necessary to recognise these differences and use them to bring women and men to a level playing field. Source

   Just remember, both of them are equally superior and are required to run the gears of the globe.

  All the females reading this, celebrate your day. And men and boys - Apna Time Aayega.
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