What are 7 most popular COVID-19 myths?

What are 7 most popular COVID-19 myths?

  As the COVID-19 pandemic situation worsens, there are many untruthful myths coming out. Here is a list of useless myths we all follow- debunked.
  • Myth: Children cannot get coronavirus. While this is the most popular myth people had regarding COVID-19. Even my parents used to believe the same. Whereas the fact is that children have equal chances of getting coronavirus as that of adults.
  • Myth: Everyone with COVID-19 dies. This is more a belief than a myth. However, more than 60% of the people getting COVID-19 cure back safely.
  • Myth: Animals spread corona virus: While there are only six cases of animals having corona, this hasn't been proven that they spread it. Corona virus is spreaded from human to human transmission only.
  • Myth: Shipped products can have coronavirus with them. Although it can last on surfaces for many hours, but the environment, transportation and varying temperatures during shipment make it difficult for the virus to remain active. If you feel the surface may be contaminated, clean it with a disinfectant and wash your hands after touching it.
  • Myth: Steam inhalation call kill COVID-19. Unscientific steam inhalation is probably going to burn the airways, causing problems much worse than Covid. If the virus can be killed through steam inhalation, the world would not have seen Covid fatalities. 
  • Myth: Eating ice-cream or anything cold can cause COVID-19. This is very untrue. Coron doesn't transmit from any type of foods.
  • Myth: Use of air conditioner causes COVID-19: The stand-alone ACs that we use in our homes are 100% safe to use but centralised AC systems like in schools or offices are not safe.
  It is always advised to refer the official website for COVID-19 information: who.int. If you think that I missed some myths, let me know in tthe comments below...
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  1. Nice information...amazing words

  2. Very nice information..

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