Why is equator hot but poles are cold?

Why is equator hot but poles are cold?

 Why is equator hot but poles are cold?

  Firstly, round the equator, sunrays hit the bottom at a 90-degree angle. Hence, more solar power falls per unit area, thus making equator hot. However, near the poles, since sunrays hit the bottom at a lower angle, the rays spread, causing less energy to fall per unit area, thus making poles cooler.

  Secondly, thanks to the earth’s axial tilt, poles don’t receive sunlight for several months during the year, thus worsening things .

  Thirdly, as sunlight takes an extended path to succeed in the poles, it's to affect a greater number of atmospheric particles which ends up in additional absorption and scattering of sunlight. Thus, less sunlight reaches the poles.

  Lastly, snow at the poles reflects 75 to 95% of sunlight which is far more as compared thereto reflected by the land round the equator.
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