How does fan give us cool air?

How does fan give us cool air?

 How does fan give us cool air?

  Fan just pushes air, but then how does it gives us cool air? Let's know...

  First of all, a fan does not give cool air. Our body loses heat mainly in two ways. Firstly, our body heat gets transferred to the surrounding air through a process of convection. Secondly, the sweat produced on our skin absorbs our body heat and evaporates into air, thus allowing us to lose heat.

  Now, without a fan, both of these above ways create a stagnant layer of hot, humid air around our skin, thus making it difficult to continue the processes of convection and evaporation. However, when we switch on the fan, it blows away the stagnant layer of hot air, and replaces it with a relatively drier air, allowing the processes to continue and thus, we lose more heat and cool down faster in less time.

  Thus we feel that fans give us cool air...
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