Why are pizza boxes square?

Why are pizza boxes square?

Why are pizza boxes square?

  Pizzas, what a lovely fast food that we all love to eat. But even though our favorite pizzas are round, square boxes are preferred. Why is it so? Are pizza manufacturers crazy? Was pizza originally square? Let's see...

  This is because a square box is made using just a single, cardboard, sheet. While a round box requires several sheets, that need to be joined together using special machinery. So, it is cheaper and simpler to make square boxes. Why would one make a special and expensive box for each pizza?

  Secondly, square pizza boxes can be easily assembled on-site, they are transported in the form of flat cardboard sheets, easily stacked on one another. However, round boxes need to be first assembled. This makes it difficult to transport and store these huge piles of boxes on-site.

  Moreover, there are empty spaces around the pizza in the square box, making it easy to lift the pizza slice. The empty spaces can even be used to place chili flakes, oregano, etc.
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