What if the Earth looses its oxygen for 5 seconds?

What if the Earth looses its oxygen for 5 seconds?

 What if the Earth looses its oxygen for 5 seconds?

  That's another good what if question...

  Oxygen being lost for 5 seconds will not be a big deal for humans and animals for breathing. In fact, we won't even notice it through breathing. But what about our surroundings? 

  In just 5 seconds, the Earth will look completely different. All the roads, buildings, monuments and buildings would be shattered into pieces as oxygen is the element that binds concrete or cement particles together. Without oxygen, such structures like dams, monuments and buildings will instantly start collapsing. Without oxygen, concrete and cement is just dust.

  Besides this, any metals in contact to each other will automatically weld themselves with each other. This is because oxygen prevent metals in contact to bind and weld themselves. Without the layer of oxygen, they would just weld themselves. This is called as cold welding.

  The ozone layer of atmosphere which protects us from harmful radiation and rays of the sun will also disappear and we might have severe sunburns which may prove fatal. 

  Losing oxygen means loosing 21% of the atmospheric pressure. This may cause our ears to explode due to pressure differences.

  Under such cases, please do not expect cars, planes and trains to run. All the modes of transport which isn't electric would fail. Planes will fall from the sky and cars will stop on the roads.

  Sky will appear darker than usual. As there is no oxygen, there are less particles through which sunlight will bounce off and scatter.

  And with all this happening, Earth's crust will collapse with itself. It will completely crumble. Why? It is made up of 45% oxygen.

  But take a deep breath and relax, coz its very unlikely to happen!

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