Which is the best sleeping position?

Which is the best sleeping position?

Which is the best sleeping position?

Image credit: istockphoto.com

  Which is the best sleeping position??? Zzz zzz zzz. No idea? Let's see.

Is sleeping on the back, the best sleeping position?

  Scientists confirm that sleeping in the back prevents neck and back pain. This is because the spine rests at a neutral position. As our face is not pressed against bed or pillow while sleeping on the back, it prevents over wrinkling. However people who sleep on their backs are more prone to snoring.

Is sleeping on stomach the best sleeping position?

  People who sleep on the stomach are less prone to snoring. But sleeping in stomach makes the spine difficult to maintain a neutral position. Sleeping on stomach puts pressure on muscles and joints leading to joint pain or numbness.

Is sleeping on sides, the best sleeping position?

  Sleeping on sides is a good option rather to sleep on the stomach or back. Sleeping on sides keeps or spine elongated which prevents joint pains. Sleeping especially in the left side is very beneficial as it reduces acid reflux. As our stomach is inclined to the left side, sleeping in left side improves digestion. Our heart also pumps blood from the left side,  so sleeping on last side improves blood circulation and decreases the chances of heart attacks during sleep. However sleeping on sides presses our face on the pillow which may increase wrinkling.

  However, curling to one side and sleeping is not recommended as it makes breathing difficult. 


  Since all sleeping positions have advantages and disadvantages, there is no best sleeping position. However sleeping on the left side without curling is recommended. But if your sleeping position is causing problems, you can switch positions to find which one fits the best for you. 
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