Are second children really troublemakers?

Are second children really troublemakers?

Are second children really troublemakers?

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  Since ages, it has been believed that the birth order determines the kind of person you become when you grow up. But besides this being as a stereotype, it is a controversial issue. And in this issue, it has been many a times thought that the second children are mainly troublemakers. But what is the guarantee of its truth? Let's see...

Are second children really troublemakers?

  According to the study of a MIT economist Joseph Doyle, second children have more rebellious behaviour than the first one. And this goes double with second boys. 

  Their bad behaviour might be the wrong interpretation of their older sibling in most of the cases. In other words, the first borns have their role model as the parents and the second borns have their role models as the first borns. 

  Still statistics say that second born are more likely to visit the jail in future due to their behaviour. They might be suspended from school more often or might be doing juvenile crimes.

Why are second children troublemakers?

  The only possible explanation for this is that parenting styles can change according to birth order.

  Stereotypes also suggest that first borns are more achievers and second children are more troublemakers.


  If you are the first child, go ace. But, there's no reason to lose hope if you're the second child. You do, after all, still have free will. And at least you can now use science to blame your big brother or sister for your bad behavior. Let me know in the comments section below how do you feel being first or second child...
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