Why do doctors have bad handwriting?

Why do doctors have bad handwriting?

  Have you ever looked at a doctor's prescription and have noticed there bad handwriting and had trouble deciphering it? Many people wonder about the reason behind their bad handwriting. Here's the answer.

Why do doctors have bad handwriting?

  The simplest answer to the question is that they have to see many patients in a very limited time. Doctors can't just spend hours together for a patient. They write the prescriptions quickly in order to save their time and their handwriting becomes worse.

  It seems weird that doctors study for years and years, but still they have a bad handwriting!!! The reason is that they have to write a lot in limited time. Even in their study years and graduation period, they have to take a lot of handwritten notes in less time. They are also humans. Thay can't maintain a good handwriting for a long period of time.

  But then, what is the solution for this??? Many hospitals and clinics are now adopting the method of electronic prescription. Instead of handwritten ones, they are replacing it with the printed ones. That's good!


  Doctors have to do more work in less time, making their handwriting worse. So next time you visit your doctor, you won't blame them for their bad handwriting and you will consider the work pressure that they have.
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