Why do ants walk in a line?

Why do ants walk in a line?

  Have you ever wondered, why do ants walk in a line? Oh! There's no time. Once we see ants, we are busy in getting rid of them! When will when wonder? Any ways, for the ones who wondered, here's the answer...

What are pheromones?

  Ants are highly social insects who live in colonies. They are hardworking and organised.

  Once an ant finds food, it takes a part of it (a small piece of it), and returns to its colony. While going back, it leaves chemical scents called 'pheromones'. These pheromones are unique for each colonies. That is why ants don't confuse between colonies. The other ants follow this trail upto the food and back. Hence ants walk in lines.

  But, these pheromones, evaporate easily. Hence every ant carrying the food leaves back pheromones so that other ants behind it could follow the trail upto the colony. This is why ants walk in a line. 

How can you test a Pheromone trail?

  But what if you want to put this to test. Yes, you can. If you spot some ants walking in a line, take a eraser and rub it across a point on their path. This will erase the pheromone traces and the ants will get confused and walk in all directions finding for the pheromone.


Conclusively, ants being the small are enough smart. They leave Pheromone traces along their path to help navigate their other friends. Thus, they walk in a line.

  I hope you have understood why ants walk in a line. Next time you see such ants, you can test the above explanation.
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