Just as the title says it all, 2020 Vision is a super crazy YouTube channel. Although it's inactive now, it still throws people into panic. How? Let me tell you.
So this channel 2020 Vision has has 50 videos. All of them dating back to 2017. The first video being Eyes Open and the last video being Eyes Closed, there are 48 other videos that exactly predicted the deaths of almost all famous celebrities who died in 2020. Not only who will die, but the exact date was also predicted, 3 years ago.
For example take this video of Irrfan Khan, who sadly died on 29 April 2020. But this guy behind 2020 Vision posted a video with his name and exact death date 3 years ago. How?
Not only him but other celebs like Kobe Bryant, Pierre Cardin, Rishi Kapoor, Freeman Dyson and many more.
The channel started to receive a lot of attention on TikTok because, as many users pointed out, it appears as if it accurately predicted every major celebrity death in 2020 three years ago down to the day.
We can easily just say its coincidence. But these predictions have us a bit spooked. Especially since they are so precise and on point!
You can’t believe everything you see on the internet, though. As more and more TikTokers have made videos about 2020 Vision, understandably freaked out by the eerily accurate predictions, users have taken to the comments to explain the myriad ways the videos could have been manipulated to look like they were created and published earlier than they actually were.
Famous YouTubers like Timeworks also explain that the person behind 2020 Vision might just have posted a 40 minute long video of many celebrities with all possible dates in 2020. And made that video private. Later when a celebrity died, he trimmed out all the remaining section and made the 6 second video public. And that's how he/she predicted all the deaths.
I am here just sharing this, whether this is real or not, well that you'd have to decide for yourself...
Posts before October 2021 have been marked as "Old Posts". Less likely, but they might have out dated or incorrect information, ugly looking bits of code, no labels, etc. Don't get me wrong, many of these posts are top-notch and interesting too.
I thought it would be better not to delete or revamp these posts, even if they suck. The bitter truth is that old works always suck, but I take that as a positive tool to convey that I am growing. Besides there's no better way to showcase my journey without these old, messy, poorly written posts!
I thought it would be better not to delete or revamp these posts, even if they suck. The bitter truth is that old works always suck, but I take that as a positive tool to convey that I am growing. Besides there's no better way to showcase my journey without these old, messy, poorly written posts!
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