Why do I crave onions? And is it good?

Why do I crave onions? And is it good?

  When we all were kids, the most common item in the top of the list of most disliked food was onion. But all my relatives will laugh at you if you tell them the same about me. My each meal was is literally incomplete without onion. Either in form of salad, in vegetable or raw!

  I always demand onions in meal and eat them like there's no tommorow. So why do I crave onions and love them so much? And is it good or bad to eat too many of them?

  I know, many onion loving people like me exist in the world, but they are too shy to accept. So, why do they crave for onions? 

  I first thought that there's something abnormal. There's something wrong and that is why I am craving onions so much. But it turned out that I am among the other thousands who do so. And was pleased to know that in fact this is a good sign...

Fun Fact: Our body usually craves certain foods, it is just the incredible nature of the body to alert you of what you are most likely lacking in your diet.

  Oh yeah! Coming back to onions, craving onions is actually a good sign that your body is lacking some nutrients such as dietary fibre, vitamin B, protein, vitamin C, etc. And eating onions anyway will fill the deficit.

  Once I knew this, I was like okay. But what if we eat too much onions (like I sometimes do!)? So I found out that onions contain phytochemicals, or phytonutrients, which are naturally occurring compounds in fruits and vegetables that are able to react with the human body to trigger healthy reactions. 

  Flavonoids, another substance present in onions are responsible for pigments in many fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that they may help reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease, cardiovascular disease and stroke. A particularly valuable flavonoid in onions is quercetin, which acts as an antioxidant that may be linked to preventing cancer.

  A particular flavonoid called as Quercetin is present in onions which is known to supposedly reduce the symptoms of bladder infections, promoting prostate health and lowering blood pressure.

Fun Fact: Researchers found out that the risk of cancer was 79% lower in those who regularly consumed onions.

  So onions are more than good for your body. Foods that are high in antioxidants and amino acids allow your body to function optimally. And guess what, onion is one of them!!! 

  One thing we haven't been talking about so long is sulfur and sulfuric compounds present in onion. The sulfuric compounds in onion are the reason behind the bad breath that it gives us. Eating too much onion gives a bad breath. Sulfur is one of the most common minerals in our body that assists with protein synthesis and building of cell structures. 

  I was all talking good. But what's on the flipside? While not especially serious, eating onions can cause problems for some people. The carbohydrates in onions may cause gas and bloating. Onions spoil much faster if they are chopped or sliced. If you cut up your onions for later use, be sure to refrigerate them in a closed container. A 2015 study found that unrefrigerated yellow onions showed potential growth of E.coli and salmonella, though refrigerated ones did not.

Fun Fact: To avoid "onion breath," eat a sprig of parsley, or rinse your mouth with equal parts lemon juice and water, or chew a citrus peel.

  Onions are healthy whether they're raw or cooked, though raw onions have higher levels of organic sulfur compounds that provide many benefits. So eat as much as you want without hesitation but make sure it's fresh. It will do nothing but just keep your heart, immune system, prostate gland (in men), digestion, blood sugar, and bone density healthy. 
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