Why do our eyelids twitch?

Why do our eyelids twitch?

 Why do our eyelids twitch?

  Eye twitching is also referred to as eyelid twitching or myokymia. Myokymia is a repetitive, spontaneous, involuntary spasm or quivering of our eyelid muscles.

  This is caused due to shivering of eyelid muscles due to various reasons like eye irritation, fatigue, lack of sleep, too much alcohol or caffeine intake, allergies, etc.

  These eye twitches are generally mild and last for a very short length of time. But in some cases they may be strong enough to force closing of both the eyelids and in some cases they might last for a longer period of time.

  Eye twitches are considered to be unpredictable i.e. they do not follow any specific pattern of occurrence.

  Eyelid twitches are generally considered to be harmless but may require a doctor visit in some extreme cases.
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