How to apply Parkinson's law in daily life?

How to apply Parkinson's law in daily life?

 How to apply Parkinson's law in daily life?

  Parkinson's law, in a nutshell, says "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion". Interestingly, this law has a lot to do mathematically; but today I will tell you how to apply it in daily life.

  Let's start with an example. Imagine you have to write a letter in the given time of 10 hours. What will you do? Okay, let me guess! You may take a shower at first. Then you may watch your favourite show on T.V. You may eat some snacks then. Then you will probably Google same ideas for letter. And finally write a letter. And if you don't like it, you may tear and discard it and write a new one. And finally you will have a written letter.

  But now, let's imagine that you have to write the same letter in 10 minutes. You will skip the shower, you will skip your favourite show, snacks and you may even not Google ideas because you don't have time. But you will write the letter.

  The same letter you wrote in 10 hours, you will write in 10 minutes. WOW! And that's where Parkinson's law comes into picture. The letter which you can write in 10 minutes, you took 10 hours. Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.

  So for example, if you have to do a homework in a week, and you start it on the day given, you will take the whole week in doing the homework. But, if you do something else in those days and then if you start the homework 2 days before the submission date, you will finish it in that time with extra work done.

  You can't procastinate, you can't give excuses and you will end up with more work done. That is how you can use Parkinson's law in our daily lives...
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