Why is 3 AM called as the devils' hour?

Why is 3 AM called as the devils' hour?

Why is 3 AM called as the devils' hour?

  You might have heard that 3 AM is often called as the devils' hour. But why is it called so?

Why is 3 AM called as the devils' hour?

  Often in folklore and old stories, it has been said that the time between 2 AM and 4 AM is very mysterious. It is said that devils, spirits and ghosts are strongest between this time and their activity is at the peak at 3 AM.

  It is believed that Jesus was crucified at 3 PM (which in turn is now known as the most "godly" hour ) and exactly 12 hours later that is at 3 AM, the demonic activities set in.

  This is also the time when maximum rituals and sacrifices take place. And black magic is also supposed to work the best at this time.

  People also say that by chance if you wake up during this period, you should try to sleep immidiately. You should not wait for something to happen.

  3 AM is also seen as a very unholy time in movies. If you have seen The Conjuring, the clock stops at 3 in the morning and everything goes downhill from there.

What is the scientific reason behind this?

  There is however no scientific theory to support these claims.

  Most of us are in our REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycle at this hour of the night. It is a very deep stage. In reality, our body is completely relaxed at this point. It is almost impossible to wake up at this time. But if in this state you are suddenly woken up, it may impact your mental as well as physical health. So people think something supernatural or presence of any devil.

  But it is also statistically noted that most of the sudden deaths occur at the devils' hour only...
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