Why do women have shriller voices than men?

Why do women have shriller voices than men?

 Why do women have shriller voices than men? 

  It is often observed that women have shriller voices than men. But why? 

  This happens due to frequency. Frequency is that the number of vibrations per second. More is that the frequency, shriller are going to be the voice or sound.

  In humans, sound is produced with the assistance of vocal cords. However, the length of vocal cords of girls and boys are different. A woman's vocal chords are about 15 millimeters long while a man's vocal chords are about 20 millimeters long.

  Because the vocal chords of a man are comparatively longer, they vibrate less per second, producing sound having low frequency. However, the vocal chords of a lady being short vibrate more per second, thus producing sound having high frequency.

  Because the frequency of sound is higher, women have shriller voices than men.
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