When will Corona virus disease pandemic end?

When will Corona virus disease pandemic end?

When will Corona virus disease pandemic end?

  COVID-19 has been a worst time for us. Although everyone is waiting for this pandemic to end. But when is this going to happen?

How can Corona virus disease end socially?

  Socially, this pandemic can end in 2 ways. One, when there will be no more patients and the disease will eliminate. Recent patients will recover and patients would not increase.

  Alternatively, people can learn to live with it and it will be treated as normal diseases like flu or viral fever.

How can Corona virus disease end medically?

  Of course, when a medicine or a therapy will be found out, this pandemic will be over medically.


  It is wise not to offer predictions on when the pandemic will end for there are too many factors at play. I think some combination of infection and vaccination will cause the situation to improve by the end of 2021, perhaps as early as this November. Everything depends.
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