What is a supermoon?

What is a supermoon?

What is a supermoon?

  Supermoon is a full or new moon that occurs with a perigee. Perigee is the moon's closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit. 

  This results in a moon which appears larger than its usual size when observed from earth. The technical name for the same is perigee conjunction. 

  This larger than usual moon grabs attention of not only astronomers, but also of many photographers too.
  Supermoon doesn't cause any natural disaster but however, it can cause a few inches longer tides than usual full moons.

   The term 'supermoon' is attributed to astronomer Richard Nolle.

  Out of the possible 12 or 13 full or new moons each year, usually three or four may be classified as supermoons.
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