Is more screen time good or bad?

Is more screen time good or bad?

Is more screen time good or bad?

What is screen time?

  The amount of time spent using a device with a screen such as a smartphone, computer, television, or video game console, etc. is called as screen time.

Is more screen time bad?

  Screen time is one of the major factors causing eye problems like temporary blindness, eye fatigue,  eye strain, etc. 

  It is also known to cause headaches, neck and shoulder pain.

  More screen time causes poor behavior and irritability in children. It also reduces attention span. Such children also become solitary and inculcate many bad habits. They also become obese and exhibit aggressive behavior.

  Such people also have comparatively bad physical health.

Is more screen time good?

  With moderation, there are some benefits of screen time:

  It is reported that many students use screens for educational value and school-related homework and research.

  Playing right type of video games can improve motor skills and coordination. And many games like Plants vs. Zombies help inculcate good values. Looking closely, the game says that plants are good things.

  By increasing screen time, we can easily socialize and communicate.


  Good to say, conclusively, screen time is actually good for you, provided that you physically exercise along with it and do not play too violent games. Also you may not indulge in risky activities.

  I will love to hear what is your opinion in the comments section below.
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