Why do we get hiccups?

Why do we get hiccups?

Why do we get hiccups?

Image credit: giphy.com

  You don't get hiccups when your friends think of you! It is a scientific process in your body.  Let's see...

Which organ causes hiccups?

  We mainly get hiccups due to our diaphragm. Diaphragm is a dome shaped muscle between our stomach and lungs. When we inhale, our diaphragm contracts, helping us to take in air into the lungs. When we exhale, it relaxes, helping us give out air. 

Why do we get hiccups?

  The diaphragm generally works perfectly. But in some exceptional cases, this contraction doesn't happen properly. One of the main reasons is excess eating. Yes, due to excess eating, our stomach swells, causing discomfort to the diaphragm. As a result, our diaphragm contracts irregularly, in a jerky way. This makes us suck air suddenly. 

  Due to this the air suddenly rushes to our voice box. Due to this, our vocal cords close suddenly, creating a hiccup.


  Hiccups are a result of natural fault in the body organs. It is mainly caused due  to overeating. 
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