Why do some animals have shells?

Why do some animals have shells?

Why do some animals have shells?

Image credit: pixabay.com

  We see many animals who have shells on their back. But have you ever wondered why do they have that? Let's see...

Are shells protective armour for some animals?

  Many animals have soft and slimy bodies. In order to be protected from predators, these animals have nature's body armour called as shell. So shells serve a purpose of protection in many animals like oysters, snails, turtles,  etc. Also they protect the animals from attacks.

What are other uses of shells for animals?

  In some cases, shells actually serve as a sort of hot air balloon, like in the case of the Nautilus (a type of cuttlefish). Thus cuttlefish uses gases in the chambers of its shell to keep it hovering at a certain level. This allows it to focus on its forward locomotion.

  Shells can also be useful for camouflage for many animals. Many hermit crabs and other crustaceans allow algae to grow on their shell to form a natural camouflage.

  For the matter of fact, armadillos are the only known mammal with shells.


  Conclusively, many animals have shells for various purposes. Some use shells to protect themselves, whereas some of them have shells for camouflage. 

  If you have any doubts regarding shells and animals with shells, let me know in the comment section below.
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