Why do we get fever?

Why do we get fever?

Why do we get fever?

Image credit: pexels.com

  When our body temperature raises above normal, that is, around 99°C or 100°C, we get fever. Fever is not a disease, but then how do we get it???

What is fever?

  Fever is a natural, protective response of our body to fight against germs and pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. These germs or pathogens cause diseases like flu, cold, etc. Hence, when these germs enter our body, our immune cells like white blood cells produce pyrogens. Pyrogens are secreted in our blood stream. 

Why do we get fever?

  A small part of our brain called as the hypothalamus, regulates our body temperature. When pyrogens reach hypothalamus, our body temperature starts to rise, thus causing fever.

  Moreover, many germs cannot survive in high temperatures. Thus, due to fever, they die and we remain safe.

  To know whether fever is contagious, click here.
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