Is blogging good or bad?

Is blogging good or bad?

Is blogging good or bad?

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  Simply looking, blogging can be very useful. But is it really good or bad???

  The short answer can be yes. See how...

  Firstly, through blogging, you can reach to many audiences. I personally started blogging to attract people and with a mission to let them learn more.

  Through blogging, we get to know more about vivid topics and its information. We can learn a lot through blogging. And today's world demands for people who have knowledge of various topics. 

  Some bloggers post about their passion which helps to boost up their hobby. Like some people post daily stories or some people post poems (like me We can develop our writing skills through blogging too.

  Moreover, bogging also helps to increase our image in the society or our professional image. And as I said that we can achieve an audience, it can large turn into friends, partners and etc.

  According to a research report, 99% of the internet users only view sites whereas 1% of the 100, have their own content (As I do). So we separate ourselves from the ordinary.

  Blogging helps us earn through adsense. At the start, we may not earn, but later we can do so. This means we can turn our passion (of blogging) into profit.
  And lastly, instead of wasting your time on social media, etc. you can blog as that is more profitable.

  But on the flipside...

  Blogging might consume a lot of time and many bloggers waste a lot of time in finding topics.

  Many viewers may misunderstand the blogger and can develop negative feeling about them. 

  Blog trolls is the worst thing about blogging. Yes, some comments may hurt the blogger very much. 

  Trolls are similar to blog spams which is an equally bad thing.

  The final conclusion is that blogging is always beneficial. The time consumed is put for something good. And if we politely respond to the viewers, they can be easily handled. The bottom line is keep blogging, keep reading, keep learning...

  Let me know is blogging good or bad for you and what do you think in the comments section below...
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  1. I think blogging is the best, as I also do it so visit my blog if you are interested -

    1. I have already visited and subscribed to your blog. You are a brilliant blogger. 😊😊😊

  2. Yes , Blogging is really good , especially for those who love to write. Do visit my blog , i am sure you will like it.

    1. I have also already visited as well as subscribed to your blog. You are also a talented blogger...😊😊😊

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