Is fasting good or bad?

Is fasting good or bad?

Is fasting good or bad?

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  Fasting is a popular practice now a days. But still it is a part if our life since centuries. It has also seen as an effective top for weight loss. But is it good or bad for us??? Let's see...

How is fasting good?

  Recently, researchers suggest that fasting can be amazingly good if done in the correct manner. 

  Firstly, fasting can give a break or rest to your digestive system. It can also cause moderate loss of weight. Moreover, during fasting, sugar intake reduces reducing the level of sugar in blood. Fasting also decreases the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Thus it reduces the rate of cancer and improves heart health.

 Psychological studies prove that people who fast reflect positively and also attain mental and psychological rest.

How is fasting bad?

  But as fasting reduces sugar levels, fasting is not recommended for people with diabetes. They already take medications to reduce sugar levels and fasting can further drop the blood sugar to such a level which can be fatal. 

  But fasting can also cause dizziness, headaches, low blood sugar, weakness etc. Prolonged fasting can also cause weakened immune system, nutritional deficiencies and liver and heart problems.


  So considering the above points, it can be concluded that if done in the right way, fasting can be beneficial.
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