9 Myths about sleep that we need to stop believing.

9 Myths about sleep that we need to stop believing.

   While we humans do spend most of our lives sleeping, it turns out that there are many useless myths we follow regarding sleeping. In return, they show up very bad effects on our body. Here are top 9 of them -Debunked!

Myth 1: 4 to 5 hours sleep is enough for the body.
Truth: According to a study, sleep deficit's symptoms are more subtle than you imagine, and sleeping less than 6 hours per night may cause many problems in your life. In addition to this, several studies have demonstrated the importance of sleep for health. A few hours more or less can affect memory, learning, creativity, productivity and emotional stability.

Myth 2: Sleeping 8 hours in parcels is good.
Truth: Scientists confirm that the best sleep is the continuous one. That's why it's always recommended sleeping at night, for 6-8 continuous hours. Besides that, sleeping for short periods duringthe day won't give the same benefits as when you sleep through the night. 

Myth 3: Snoring is normal.
Truth: While it is believed that snoring is normal. Thus is just a myth. Besides making loud noise and disturbing others, snoring causes vibration of the air passage which doesn't happen normally unless something is obstructing it. Or in worst cases, it may be a symptom of sleep apnea. So it is advised to visit a doctor if you snore.

Myth 4: Alcohol can improve your sleep.
Truth: At first, alcohol may make you sleepy, but it actually worsens your sleep quality. 

Myth 5: The more you sleep, more better.
Truth: This is another myth that some people firmly believe in. But it is false too. While excessive sleep has so many side effects that I could write a post on side effects of oversleeping (coming soon). Thus it is advised not to sleep more than 7 to 9 hours a day.

Myth 6: Shutting eyes and laying in the bed helps you to fall asleep.
Truth: While you are unable to sleep, your parents might tell you to lay in the bed and close your eyes. However that doesn't help in falling asleep. It is better advised to read a book or listen to ambient music. Also avoid the contact of screens that emit blue light like mobile devices, television, laptop, etc.

Myth 7: Don't sleep at afternoon.
Truth: This is a bit true. Although not completely. It is completely safe and beneficial to sleep during the afternoon. However you should sleep less than 40 minutes. Just like a nap. More than that can jeopardize your night's sleep, proving worse!

Myth 8: It is okay to exercise before sleeping.
Truth: Exercising or executing any task which will cause physical exertion should be avoided at night before sleep. This may hinder the sleep cycle and sometimes prove fatal. Best time to exercise is the morning or the noon. Exertion in this time period will help you get a good night's sleep.

Myth 9: Staying awake in the night and sleeping during the day works fine.
Truth: This is one of the biggest myths around. It's very common for teenagers to be a night owl, but it doesn't match humanity's pattern. According to experts, we are programmed to sleep during the night, in a cool, dark, and well ventilated place, without any noises. All of this is very hard to do during the day. 

  So? How many of them did you believe in? Change your thoughts and stop following the myths, this can be bad for your health. And remember, A good night's sleep can work wonders!
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