Why does water go stale overnight?

Why does water go stale overnight?

 Why does water go stale overnight?

  If you kept a glass of fresh water before going to sleep and drank it in the morning, it tastes slightly different. So, have you ever wondered why does water go stale overnight? What happens to water, which changes it's taste?

  While purifying water in water purification plants, chlorine is added to water. Chlorine kills the microorganisms which keeps it clean and safe to drink. Because of the chlorine our drinking water tastes sightly different. 

  However, if we keep the water open for a long time, the chlorine will dissipate into air. As a result, the taste of water differs. And, as you might know the water is also a universal solvent and can dissolve almost anything. 

  So, if we keep water open for a long time, the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere gets dissolved in it. This mixture leads to the formation of mild carbonic acid. However, it not harmful for us to drink. 

  But due to presence of carbonic acid, the pH of water gets slightly lower making it somewhat acidic and this water is unpleasant to taste.
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