Can you hear colors or see sounds?

Can you hear colors or see sounds?

 Can you hear colors or see sounds?

  This may sound absurd. Like how can you hear colors? Colors are some thing we sense through sight. How can we hear them? Let's see...

  There is a real condition called synesthesia in which the stimulation of one sense triggers an automatic, involuntary experience in another sense. 

  So, when synesthetes hear different tones, they may see different colors, or when they see or think certain words, they may experience taste of food items. Some of them may even associate letters, numbers or words with colors.

  We don't actually know why this happens, but researchers think that when we are born, we have more connections between the sensory areas of the brain.

  However, as we mature, most of the connections are blocked or pruned so that we experience the senses separately. But in some people, these connections don't get pruned efficiently, so they may experience two or more senses simultaneously.
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