What are tonsil stones?
Ever opened your mouth widely and looked it in the mirror, you can see a pair of palatine tonsils in your throat. But why do sometimes this forms the tonsil stones? How this tonsil stones get formed? What are they?
These tonsils have crevices and holes called 'tonsillar crypts'. Sometimes the food particles, mucus, dead cells and bacteria get collected in the crypts and over time these collected lumps starts to calcify and solidify.
Calcification means the accumulation of calcium in a particular part of the body. Usually, calcification happens for the formation of bones and teeth. However, sometimes that collected lumps in the crypts also starts calcifying.
Further this turns into hard structures of calcium and other compounds, forming tonsilloliths or hard crystals of calcium and dirt which are nothing but tonsil stones.
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This was a guest post written by Sumit Neve. To know more about guest blogging on this blog, contact me.
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I thought it would be better not to delete or revamp these posts, even if they suck. The bitter truth is that old works always suck, but I take that as a positive tool to convey that I am growing. Besides there's no better way to showcase my journey without these old, messy, poorly written posts!
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