What is a white hole?

What is a white hole?

What is a white hole?

  From far away, a white hole looks exactly as a black hole with a ring of gas and dust. But there's a lot of difference...

  A black hole is something that pulls everything inside it due to gravity. Even light gets into it. Similarly, in mathematical world, a white hole is considered as the exact opposite of a black hole. White holes are ought to push everything out. A black hole is where even light cannot escape and white hole is something where even light cannot enter. It is an hypothetical reverse of a black hole.

  Earlier it was thought that the equations to a white hole can be found out by the Einstein's theory of General relativity by which the equations of black holes is found. But now it's hypothesised that the white hole and black hole are the two sides of the same coin.

  The event horizon of a black hole is where there is no escape and the event horizon of a white hole is where there is no admission. As I said, it's like a reverse of a black hole. It is the video played in reverse when something enters a black hole.

  General relativity describes white holes in theory, no one knows how one might actually form. A black hole cordons off its bit of space when a star collapses into a tiny volume, but playing this video backwards doesn't make physical sense. An event horizon exploding into a functional star would look a bit like an egg unscrambling itself — a violation of the statistical law demanding that the universe gets messier over time. That's an another topic. 
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