What is beneficial- hot shower or cold shower?

What is beneficial- hot shower or cold shower?

What is beneficial- hot shower or cold shower?

  It might look silly, but it is actually a debatable question that whether a hot shower is beneficial or a cold shower. The answer to this query lies in the benefits of both the sides. Let's have a look at it...

What are the benefits of hot shower?

  Hot showers are widely believed to relieves stress and anxiety. Thus it stimulates our mood in a good one. Secondly, it eases and releases the stiffness and tension in our muscles. It is also been proved to be beneficial for people suffering from cold and other infections by killing the bacteria.

What are the benefits of cold shower?

  As we are warm blooded, the sudden sensation of cold water awakens the body. This makes us feel fresh, energetic and alert. This also boosts our mood. Taking a cold shower generates heat to equalize the temperature. Due to this heat, extra fat is burnt.


  Thus it can be concluded that depending on what you want, you can take that type of shower. If you are a gymnast or a sportsman, you should take a hot shower as that might reduce muscle tension. But if you are a  sleepy person, you should start taking cold shower as it will help staying you awake.

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