How to solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's cube?

How to solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's cube?

How to solve a 3x3x3 Rubik's cube?

  Many of us see people solving those Rubik's cubes and few of us wonder that how do they solve it??? Let us see how do they solve it. If you read further, you may learn how to solve it in minutes. Let's learn...

  If you don't know how to solve these cubes, do not worry. It is usual. Even the creator of the first Rubik's cube, Erno Rubik took 2 months to solve and analyse it.

  Contrary to popular belief, a 3x3x3 cube is not solved colour-by-colour. Instead if you look, it has 3 layers. For solving it there are some algorithms and to learn them, you should know what those notations in the algorithms mean...

  As you can see any notation like D or F means rotating the side clockwise but if it is B' or D', it means you have to rotate this side counterclockwise. 

  • F (Front): the side currently facing the solver
  • B (Back): the side opposite the front
  • U (Up): the side above or on top of the front side
  • D (Down): the side opposite the top, underneath the Cube
  • L (Left): the side directly to the left of the front
  • R (Right): the side directly to the right of the front

  Now let's learn the first layer...

  Firstly, you have to do the white cross, i.e., the edges of first layer. There are no algorithms for it as it uses your commonsense. The next step is to solve the corners. For that you should hold the first layer up and then bring a white corner in front of you by moving the down layer. (If no corner comes in front of you, do the below steps as it is taking any corner). Now make sure that the white colour of the corner faces you. (If that is not the case then do the below steps as it is). Now match the colour beside the white side of the corner with the respective center colour. Now, if the corner is to your left, then do the following algorithm:


If the corner is to you right, do this algorithm:


  Repeat the step for all corners. (If you were following the brackets, then do the same with the white corner that has come down now). Soon your first layer will be done.

  Now let's learn the second layer...

Now turn the cube such that the solved white layer will come down. Now, in the upper yellow layer, check for such edge pieces that do not have yellow colour in them. (If there is no such piece, follow the next steps and then a piece will come out and then repeat the steps...). Now match the colour of the edge piece which is front of you with the respective center colour by moving U and U' only. Now take that matched piece and center pair in front of you. Check where is piece needs to go by matching it in second layer by F and F'. If the piece needs to go to the right side, the do this:


If it needs to go to the left, then do:


Repeat the steps until the second layer is solved.

  Now comes the third and the last layer...

Firstly, you need to concentrate on the edges. If no edge is solved, then do FRUR'U'F'. Now if edges are solved like the English letter 'L', hold that 'L' such that its one edge is opposite to you and one edge is at the left side.

Now do FRUR'U'F'. Then you will get a horizontal line. Holding it from your left to right do FRUR'U'F'. Now you have oriented the third layer cross. The next step is to find a piece that is already solved amongst them. (It should be only one, not more or less than that). Hold that piece in its solved position in the front and check whet the piece at the back needs to go and do the algorithms according to the need.

Right: RUUR'U'RUR'.


Nowhere: RUUR'U'RUR'. (Repeat this if necessary)

Now find a aligned corner that is solved but twisted at its place. Take it towards your right front and then do L'URU'LURU'R'U. Repeat this again once if it is required. Now all the corners are aligned. Now take two aligned but not solved corners towards your right and do RUUR'U'RUR'L'UULUL'UUL. Repeat this algorithm in the same state if necessary. Now do it for the rest of the corners.

  Now your cube is solved. Practice it daily and be a speedcuber...
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