How do bulletproof vests works?
You have seen in movies that how dangerous bullets can be. And they are meant to be deadly. But do you know how the bulletproof vests works. Let's see,
What is a bulletproof vest?
A bulletproof vest is a protective gear worn from torso to waist which protects against bullets and other weapons. Most vests are hard armor made from reinforced steel plates, which is robust and effective.
The latest innovations on bulletproof vests made them lightweight and durable which are made from titanium and ceramic.
How do bulletproof vests works?
So, now the question is how the bulletproof vests protects us? The design of bulletproof vests is such that they distribute the bullet's energy and deform the bullet by spreading it's force and lowering it's speed through friction.
But it's not totally harmless, it creates a impact on the wearer's body which cannot kill the wearer but injure him at some extent.
However, like its name it's not totally bulletproof. It can protect only from some weapons and some of the bullets. So, it's not totally bulletproof.
Bulletproof vests work with the principle of friction and spread the impact. Thus lives are saved. But they are not totally bullet proof.
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This was a guest post written by Sumit Neve. To know more about guest blogging on this blog, contact me.
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Thanks a lot Sumit Neve for writing a post for me.