Why do we swing our hands while walking?
Just go out for a walk and notice the way you swing your arms. Did you? But do you know, many people even dont notice this while walking. But why exactly do we swing our arms while walking??? Let's see...
This is one of the things that scientists are still figuring out.
Why do we swing our arms while walking?
While we walk, we usually take a step and swing the opposite arm. For ages, scientists believed that arm swinging while walking us an evolutionary remnant of our ancestors who used all four limbs to walk.
We don't need to swing our arms to walk. Do you agree. But then why do we do so? We swing our arms while walking to save our energy. Yes. A recent experiment shows that when we swing our arms, we use 12% less energy as compared to when we hold our arms still. This proves that arm swinging is not muscle driven but natural.
Some scientists believe that arm swinging helps to balance our body's rotational motion. When we put a leg forward, our body twists and rotates to the opposite side. Swinging of the opposite arm helps to counterbalance this. Thus helping us to walk straight.
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I thought it would be better not to delete or revamp these posts, even if they suck. The bitter truth is that old works always suck, but I take that as a positive tool to convey that I am growing. Besides there's no better way to showcase my journey without these old, messy, poorly written posts!
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