While this myth of drinking water while standing is all around for almost a decade by now, it makes me wonder, is it really true? And ofcourse, as sir Albert Einstein said, the one who can't wonder and stand in rapt awe is almost dead. So let's debunk this!
When you stand and drink water, the water gushes down through your intestinal tract at a very high speed. (Thanks to the 9.77 m/s gravitational acceleration!) This speed is very high speed for your stomach. This water directly goes to your stomach. High speeds cause erosion of the inner layer in the oesophagus (food pipe) and stomach. This can sometimes lead to serious consequences if you always stand and drink liquids.
If you drink water while standing, your body and muscles are in a constant state of tension. Sitting down keeps them relaxed and allows the body to absorb the fluid at a much better pace along with other food items. As a result drinking water while standing might also cause indigestion.
When you are standing, your body is tense. Sitting down keeps your muscles and body relaxed, and they can actually focus on digesting the fluid in a more slow and relaxed way.
Drinking water while standing does not allow your kidneys to properly filter the water. As a result, the impurities tend to get retained in them and the bladder. This can cause urinary tract disorders, or even worse, it can lead to the kidneys suffering permanent damage. This impacts your kidney function.
While sitting down and taking small sips of water helps in maintaining the acid levels of the body. Standing doesn't work the same way! As standing causes a lot of tension in the body and the muscles, your nervous system goes into attention mode, making your body feel out of sync with nature.
This, in turn, can also put bones and joints at risk as the water gushes down the body. You can also experience joint pain, bone degeneration and weakness. Thus, the speed of chugging water down and how you drink it has an important role to play.
Hence, there is a very valid reason to sit down and gulp your water, the same way it is recommended that you sit down and have your meal. Our bodies are designed in a way that you get maximum health benefits when you sit down and keep your back erect. When you drink your water from a bottle or a glass sitting down, the nutrients reach the brain and boost its activity. It also aids better digestion this way and ensures that you don’t feel bloated after having water.
Well, how many of you are going to ditch this habit after reading this post? Let me know in the comments!
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I thought it would be better not to delete or revamp these posts, even if they suck. The bitter truth is that old works always suck, but I take that as a positive tool to convey that I am growing. Besides there's no better way to showcase my journey without these old, messy, poorly written posts!
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