Why do birds fly in a V shape?

Why do birds fly in a V shape?

 Why do birds fly in a V shape?

  Gazing at the sunset looks really beautiful with peaceful mind, until you notice some birds in the sky which fly in a V shape formation, and you begin to wonder Why? Here's the answer:

  For people who can't read the whole post, here's an easy reason: Birds fly in a V formation to make their flight easier.

  In V formations, when a bird flaps its wings, the air behind the bird gets pushed downward creating a downwash, while the air towards its sides gets pushed upward, creating an upwash. This produces rotating vortices.

  If another bird flies in these upwash zones, it gets a free lift and glides due to reduced air resistance. Thus, birds are able to fly long distances without putting much effort and maintaining a clear line of sight.

  Besides this, since the bird in the lead faces greater air resistance, the birds keep changing their positions in the V and take turns as leaders. This maximizes the use of each bird's energy, allowing flocks to fly without having to stop for a long time.

  Ah! Now you can peacefully enjoy the sunset without wondering why birds fly in a V shape!
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