Why is it hard to cure cancer?

Why is it hard to cure cancer?

 Why is it hard to cure cancer?

  Cancer is not a single disease. It is a name given to a collection of diseases that have some common characteristics. We have been hearing this since years that it is hard to cure it. But why? Let's know...

  Cancer usually begins when there is a sudden change or mutation in the genes present in our cells. This leads to uncontrolled cell division. Now, it is hard to cure cancer because every cancer is caused by a different set of genetic mutations in different types of cells. Hence, it is a different disease each time due to which a treatment which works for an individual doesn't necessarily work for the other.

  Now, cancer cells can be killed with treatments like chemotherapy or radiation. However, sometimes these treatments may not kill all the cancer cells, risking a cancer relapse. Moreover, such treatments even harm healthy cells of our body and have vital side effects. So it is risky.

  Cancer cells can even metastasize, i.e., they can spread to different body parts and start growing there, thus making it difficult to eradicate cancer completely.

  In addition to this, many cancers are diagnosed at very late stages which makes treatment less likely to succeed, thus reducing the chances of survival.

  So it is hard to cure cancer. Did you know this before? Comment below and tell me...
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