What are some things you should never Google?
Google is a great tool to search for whatever you want. However, many a times, it's better if you don't search somethings. Here is a list of 5 things you should never ever search on Google...
1. Your name
It's not a big secret that in the era of the internet our privacy is greatly questioned. If you try to Google your name, most probably you will stumble upon some undesired results. Bad photos of you, outdated information, irrelevant unwanted content – we take such things way too seriously. If you find something like this, you'll want to edit or delete it all. However, that’s not possible. Or simply don't Google it.
2. Your symptoms
First of all, let's talk about your health problems. There are many websites that specialize in such content, and, of course, most of them are not managed by medical professionals. Looking up the meaning of your symptoms on the internet will definitely not help you. Quite the reverse – it will make you feel worse and panicked (Yes it does- telling you from experience). If you have any kind of health issues, don't ask Google. Schedule a visit to a real doctor instead.
3. Anything criminal
Ok, this one is really serious. You may try to look up things like "how to make a bomb" or "how to make amphetamines" out of pure interest or for educational purposes. However, keep in mind that security and drug control services always track these kinds of searches, and your IP address can appear in such a database. You don't want to get in trouble because of your curiosity, do you? So it's better not to search so.
4. Online banking websites
There are many fake online banking websites on Google. It is highly advisable not to do a Google search to find your bank’s online banking website unless you know the exact official URL. Always, enter the official URL of your bank’s online banking portal to access site to stay safe. This is because chances of phishing (faking) increasing drastically in which you might enter your bank’s login ID and password on a website that may just look like the bank’s official website and could be a phishing site instead.
5. Things people found in fast food
People claim to have found everything from hardware parts to whole chicken heads in their fast food. If you read enough of these accounts, your options for guilt-free dining could be severely limited. Of course, if you still have an appetite at all.
However, instead of looking for the unpleasant things in this list, you can always have fun with Google. Just try searching for anything starting with "why," "how," "when," etc. The most popular searches will show up, and you will be surprised by what many people are interested in. Enjoy!
Posts before October 2021 have been marked as "Old Posts". Less likely, but they might have out dated or incorrect information, ugly looking bits of code, no labels, etc. Don't get me wrong, many of these posts are top-notch and interesting too.
I thought it would be better not to delete or revamp these posts, even if they suck. The bitter truth is that old works always suck, but I take that as a positive tool to convey that I am growing. Besides there's no better way to showcase my journey without these old, messy, poorly written posts!
I thought it would be better not to delete or revamp these posts, even if they suck. The bitter truth is that old works always suck, but I take that as a positive tool to convey that I am growing. Besides there's no better way to showcase my journey without these old, messy, poorly written posts!
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